Superior quality Raj Group flanged tees are used for installing bypasses and similar other jobs. Such flanged tee does have the potential to match exact requirements of length, of bypasses and that's the reason same is preferred over other counterparts of it. Best quality polypropylene is used in the making of the flanged tee to match the standard and norms of the industry completely.
The raw materials and chemicals are sourced from the trusted vendors for the manufacturing of these flanged tee which are in particular used in Irrigation System apart from Horticulture & agriculture industry. It is protective from Protective from corrosive chemicals and available in different lengths and sizes to match the different needs of different industries looking for such products.
The product is priced economically to make it affordable for the clients using the same for their business needs. Each unit is checked minutely before making ready for shipment.
2" , 2½" , 3"